
Friday 23 June 2017


WAL: How to use Ratios 

Today in class I have finished my maths work for Number Ninja's which was all about Ratios.I have so far finished Three parts of the work and I and also looking forward for more work.One thing that I found challenging was trying to give a strategy to support my answer.Here is my work that I have finished and please leave me a comment if I made a mistake or if you have a different answer or strategy.

Activity 3

  1. The ratio of rice to water for cooking should be about 1:2

  1. How many cups of water would you need if you had 2 cups of rice?

Answer: 4 because if you times 1 by 2 you would have 2 and then you would have to times 2 by 2 which equals 4

  1. How much rice is needed for 5 cups of water?

Answer: I think the answer is 10 because you could use the 1 to make 5 and then you times the 2 by 5 which equals 10.

  1. What fraction of the volume of rice and water should be water?
Answer: I think that the answer is ⅔ because for every ⅓ of rice you need 2 cups or ⅔ .

2. The ratio of colourblind people to not colour blind people is 1:24

  1. Maria did a survey at her school and she found out that there were 6 colour blind students.How many students aren’t colour blind?

Answer: I think that the answer is 144 because 24x3=72 and then you have to times it by 2 since you only times the 24 by 3 which equals 144.

3.Peter made a Tui feeder in his garden by mixing sugar and water in the ratio of 2:9

  1. He put in 4 teaspoons of sugar. How much water should he add?
Answer: I think 18 because he doubled they 2 which equaled 4 and then to make it even you have to double the 9 which equals 18
  1. Another day he put in 4 and a ½ cups of water.How much sugar should he add?
Answer: I think that he should add 1 cup of sugar because 4 and a ½ is half of 9 and then you need to half 2 which equals 1 to make it even.

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